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FaucetCrypto - Free Crypto

FaucetCrypto is a faucet website, a site that releases fractions of coins for completing various activities.

By completing tasks, you'll earn internal Coins, which can be exchanged to withdraw various cryptocurrencies.

Sign up, and through the sidebar on the left, you can choose from the various available activities to earn coins!

Activities you can complete:

Faucet Claim: This is the classic activity found in all faucets. You just have to wait for a timer and click to claim your reward. You can do this every 30 minutes.

PTC Ads: This is the fastest activity to earn coins. Just click on "PTC advertisements," click on a site, stay on the site for about 10/30 seconds (you'll have a timer), and earn coins.

Offerwall: This activity is the most substantial. A panel will open where you can perform various tasks, such as watching videos through Lootv or downloading/registering for different apps and completing mission objectives.


To withdraw your cryptocurrencies, navigate to the withdrawal page, select the cryptocurrency of your choice, and withdraw it to your wallet address.

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